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Answers To Frequently Asked Questions

Below is a collection of frequently asked questions and answers about our IUP off campus housing solutions. We hope you find this information useful. If you do not find an answer to your question, please scroll to the bottom of this page and feel free to get in touch with us at your earliest convenience.

Q & A’s

For Move in & Move out forms and general rental information not listed below, please see our resources page.

When can I move in?

As listed on your lease, the first day you may move in is the Friday before the Monday of classes.  The first person moving in needs to let us know what time they will arrive.  We will open the house/apt. for them and their key will be on the table.  We typically try to have tenants arrive by 9 am. Remaining roommates need to coordinate with the first person to let them in when they arrive (if this is not possible, contact our office). Keys will be dropped off for remaining roommates who come on a later day.

*Anyone needing to move in early must contact the office before July 15th for approval.

How do I reserve a parking spot & how do I get my parking tag?

Contact the office and fill out & return the Parking Application Form with payment by July 1st.  Parking is sold on a first come, first serve basis.  Parking tags will be on the table for pre-purchased parking spots at move in.

What do I do if someone parks in my spot?

If someone parks in your spot, it is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to call Buggey’s towing at: 724- 463-3851 to have the illegally parked car towed.

What furnishings are included in the house/apartment?

You will receive a furniture request form that is due by June 15th.  Tenants can contact us for the form.  You can indicate what furniture of ours you want to use and what furniture of ours you want removed.

At your request, Strong’s can provide you with: 

Bedroom: a bed, chest of drawers/dresser & a desk (please bring your own desk chair)

Dining room: dinette set

Living room: Couch or loveseat, chair, contact us for additional living room information

You are welcome to use what we provide or bring your own furniture.  We need to know by June 15th what you want to use of ours and what you want removed. 

What utilities are included?

All utilities are included except for cable/internet. We advise that you contact the cable company in advance and make an appointment for your move in day. Comcast: 1-800-266-2278

Do you accept financial aid?

Yes, we have found that our payment dates of Sept. 14th (Fall) & Feb. 4th (Spring) work great for those on loans. If your loan is going to be late, get a loan verification form from IUP and send it to us before your rent is due. If you provide proof that you are waiting on your financial aid disbursement, you will not be charged fees.

How do I go about paying my rent?

Mail your payments (personal check or money order) or call the office and request a “Rent Pick Up.” You can also call the office and pay with a credit card over the phone (Visa, Mastercard, Discover).  Strong’s Student Rentals 442 Kimmel Road Home, PA 15747   724-463-7222 

Do you allow pets?

We allow pets which live in a tank or a cage.
*Please contact us for consideration of all other pets or speak to us about it during your tour.  Ask us about “landlord approved” pets.  Do not bring pets into your apartment without prior approval, completion of all requirements and notification.  The landlord has the right to request veterinary records on the vet’s letterhead with contact information proving the pet is up to date on all required vaccinations and is protected from fleas/ticks for the protection of all tenants.  Tenants are required to follow our pet policy. As part of our pet policy, all tenants who are party to a lease agreement where one resident is requesting permission to have a pet must approve the pet in writing each year. If any or all tenants are not in agreement with the pet, Strong’s Student Rentals has the right to deny permission to have a pet.  The pet owner needs to notify and take care of pet damages when they occur.

What is required for an emotional support animal?

Students with an ESA should inform Strong’s Student Rentals prior to or during their tour so we can provide them with the ESA policy & procedure information and the guidelines on how they need to follow the requirements.  Pennsylvania ESA laws are governed by the Fair Housing Act.  Strong’s Student Rentals asks tenants to notify them prior to bringing an ESA to the rental.

The Fair Housing Act lists requirements including a legitimate documentation of disability from a Pennsylvanian physician, psychiatrist or qualified licensed mental health professional. The documentation must demonstrate that the animal is necessary to treat identified symptoms or effects of an existing disability.  The landlord has the right to request veterinary records on the vet’s letterhead with contact information proving the ESA is up to date on all required vaccinations and is protected from fleas/ticks for the protection of all tenants.  The tenant and the ESA must meet all FHA requirements.  Such requirements include both service and emotional support animals must be under the control of their owner at all times.  Ensuring that an ESA is housebroken (trained to relieve themselves outside of the house/apartment) is part of the owner’s responsibility to maintain control and cleanliness.  The ESA must not pose a direct threat to the health or safety of others or cause significant property damage.  Strong’s will provide a complete list of ESA requirements.

What do I do if I have a maintenance issue?

Complete the Maintenance Form on our website, call our office or one of the emergency maintenance phone numbers.

What do I do with my garbage?

If you live at Garman/930 Wayne or Maple, use the provided dumpster.  All other locations, place your garbage can and recycling bins on the curb Wednesday evening for collection Thursday morning.  Only place garbage in designated garbage cans. Put your cans & bins back after collection on Thursday or you will be fined by Indiana Borough.

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